Join us Sundays: Worship // 9:45 AM | Life Groups // 11 AM Wednesdays: Worship // 6 PM


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  • (979) 776-9977
  • 1991 FM 158
    College Station, TX 77845


  • Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday // 6 p.m.

Life Groups

  • Kids/Students // 11 a.m.
  • College // 11 a.m.
  • Adults // 11 a.m.
  • Legacy Adults // 8:30 a.m.


Perseverance: Part 3

This week, we continue to look at the character trait of perseverance and how it relates to our daily lives during times of trials and adversity knowing that it produces character for us to become more like Jesus. These times will come for all of us as we walk through this life and lead those...

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Perseverance: Part 2

This week, we continue to look at the character trait of perseverance which was exemplified to the highest in the life and leadership of Jesus. Life itself is perseverance through the good and bad times that we face. Those whom we lead are looking to see if and how we trust and follow our Savior...

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The sixth character trait of Jesus which is imperative for us to be a strong and effective spiritual leader is perseverance. The Bible has many passages about perseverance and tribulations/trials in life, as well as many examples of God’s men who demonstrated this important trait in their...

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Responsibility Part 4

This is our last and most important look at the character trait of Responsibility or Accountability. It could be entitled, “The One Personal Responsibility in Life.” It is the one responsibility that qualifies a man to even be a spiritual leader in the first place. Every man will be...

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Responsibility Part 3

This week, we take our third look at the character trait of Responsibility or Accountability. We live in a culture today where man makes excuses, blames others or circumstances, calls sin something else and hides from what is actually sin. Examples of how our culture tries to water down sin and...

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This week, we continue to look at the character trait of Responsibility or Accountability. This trait is one of two paths and it distinguishes itself from others by being linked to character and integrity and being true to our word and obligations. Responsibility is really two words in one...

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This week, we turn our attention to the character trait of Responsibility which is an imperative component of spiritual leadership to be lived out in the life and leadership of a man in his daily walk.  It means to be accountable and answerable for a duty, obligation, assignment or trust...

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This week, we take a personalized look at vision, purpose and mission in our spiritual leadership. Our personal vision and purpose should focus on the eternal and we should invest our lives in what will outlive us. Our vision and leadership should be connected to eternity. Anyone can leave an...

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Vision & Purpose in Life

Our third look at vision brings us to a personal issue. “The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.” In his landmark book, The Purpose Drive Life, Rick Warren starts with a most profound statement, “It’s not about you; it all starts with God. If you want to know...

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Discernment & Direction

As we continue to look at vision in spiritual leadership, we need to know that it also involves the present from the aspect of discernment and direction. I Chronicles 12: 32 describes King David’s mighty men or warriors of Issachar and states that they were “men who understood their...

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