Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - Saturday, August 15, 2020
Central is heading to Italy next summer!
We invite singers (and non-singers) to go with us.
HERE is a link to a short video that will give you an overview of the trip!
HERE is another link to a printable flyer that will outline the trip in detail and give you information on how you can be a part of this awesome opportunity.
How to Register
To register, each participant must complete the following steps:
Step 1: Go to click on the green “Get Started” button. Then, go to “The Best of Italy 2020” and click on the green “Book Tour” button. Select your Occupancy, Extension and Payment Plan. Read and agree to the Registrant Agreement by signing with your initials.
Step 2: Create a CCT account, each registrant must have their own account with a unique email address.
***For insurance and hotel booking reasons, each registrant will need their own CCT account and email address for correspondence. If you do not have your own email address, please contact our office for assistance in setting one up.***
Step 3: Create a password and enter your contact information.
Step 4: Enter the info about your choir, passport, emergency contact, medical conditions, etc. If you do not know this information, you may enter it later by logging in to your account and clicking on the “My Information” tab.
Step 5: Select your payment method. For check/money order, you will submit the payment offline to Celebration Concert Tours’ office. For credit card, enter during step 6.
Note: You can manage your credit card on file and make payments by logging in to your CCT account. Just log in and click the green “Add Payment” button on the right side of the screen. You will then be able to schedule either recurring payments or a 1-time credit card charge. Your payment history and scheduled payments can be viewed by clicking on “Payment History”. If you have any questions about this process, please call our office at (615) 771-2665.
Step 6: Review your booking information and enter your credit card information. Then press “Confirm and Submit Order.”
Cost per Participant
(Land only- Does NOT include airfare)
$2,995 double Occupancy
$595 Single Supplement
Payment Plan:
Due at Registration: $300 per person (non-refundable)
July 15, 2019: $350 per person
September 15, 2019: $350 per person
November 15, 2019: $350 per person
January 15, 2020: $350 per person
March 15, 2020: $350 per person
May 1, 2020: Balance Due