Join us Sundays: Worship // 9:45 AM | Life Groups // 11 AM Wednesdays: Worship // 6 PM


Contact Us

  • (979) 776-9977
  • 1991 FM 158
    College Station, TX 77845


  • Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday // 6 p.m.

Life Groups

  • Kids/Students // 11 a.m.
  • College // 11 a.m.
  • Adults // 11 a.m.
  • Legacy Adults // 8:30 a.m.


Parenting Tips

Parenting Tip: Missed Opportunities

Missed OPPORTUNITIES Addressing the heart is important. Unfortunately some parents respond to their children in ways that miss the heart. One of the mistakes parents make is that they make excuses for their children. We've all heard them. He'll grow out of it. She's so cute. At least...

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Parenting Tip: How Can I Get My Children to Take Initiative?

How Can I Get My Children to  TAKE INITIATIVE? Prodding kids along to get things done drains family life. We all know it. If only kids could see what needs to be done and take some initiative! Is it possible to train children to act without the continual pushing and prodding from parents?...

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Parenting Tip: What is Your Action Point?

What is  YOUR ACTION POINT? Why is it that Dad can get the kids in bed faster than Mom? Or, Why do children respond differently in the classroom, on the playground, and in the home? The answer to these questions has to do with a number of factors but one piece of the puzzle is what we call...

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Parenting Tip: Planning Consequences

PLANNING Consequences When giving out consequences don't think JUSTICE, think HEART CHANGE. This one truth can change the way you discipline your kids. Many parents think, "Because you did this, you deserve that." That kind of justice mentality doesn't usually bring the deeper change...

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Parenting Tips: When Children React with ANGER

When Children React with ANGER The child who doesn't like an instruction or limitation may reveal frustration outwardly, sometimes in a small way and other times with downright revenge. One mom said, "I can tell when my thirteen-year-old son is frustrated and upset. He becomes more abrupt...

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Problem Solving and Decision Making

PROBLEM SOLVING and DECISION MAKING   How do your children handle problems and decisions? Some children whine, complain, and have bad attitudes. However, problems and decisions make great opportunities to teach children how to face life's challenges.   Families make...

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TASKS, PROBLEMS, CONFLICT One way to avoid emotional outbursts with our children is to understand the difference between tasks, problems, and conflict. Tasks are the normal things parents do each day. You get kids out of bed, make sure they’re dressed, provide breakfast, check that they...

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Firmness without the Harshness

FIRMNESS without the HARSHNESS Knowing how and when to discipline can be a challenge for any parent. We find understanding some basic principles can be helpful. One principle to remember is that firmness doesn’t require harshness. Firmness says there is a line here that...

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Teach Children to Take a BREAK

Teach Children to Take a BREAK When you begin to see a bad attitude or hear that manipulative whining voice, have your child take a BREAK.  With young children, as young as two or three years old, have them sit in a particular place, a chair, a carpet square, the hallway, or a bottom...

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