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Memory Verse
"I eagerly expect and hope that . . . Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:20-21
Paul wrote his letter to the church at Colossae not long after he arrived in Rome as a prisoner. The letter served to correct false teaching in the church and to encourage right living among believers. Focus on verses 15-20, in which Paul described who Jesus is.
Paul's teaching to the Colossians was important because the believers were trying to figure out what it meant to follow Jesus. They were struggling to understand the gospel and discern what is really true. These are the same questions we face as believers today: Who is Jesus? What is the gospel? What is true about God and about myself?
Keep these points in mind as you talk about this Bible story with your kids.
As you share with your kids this week, help them to see Paul made much of Jesus because Jesus is better. Paul encouraged believers by reminding them that Jesus is great. Jesus is God's Son, and He died on the cross to rescue people from sin. The gospel is true, and Jesus is all we need.
Family Discussion Question
Why do you think some people oppose the gospel?
What are you willing to risk to tell people about Jesus? Why?
Can anything stop God's plan? (See Job 42:2) How does that encourage you to trust and obey Him?
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