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Memory Verse
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22
Read Acts 3-4
Children learned the importance of Biblical knowledge, the importance of taking action, and the importance of putting that knowledge and action together for God's glory. Just as race drivers must couple their knowledge with appropriate action in order to run a good race, we must not only increase our knowledge of God, but also our obedience to Him in response to that knowledge.
Apply the Lesson
Why should we learn more about Jesus?
What book do we read to learn more about God?
Why is obeying God's Word important?
What is the difference between just knowing God's Word and obeying God's Word?
Are we lying to ourselves if we listen to the Bible but don't obey it?
Think of one area where you don't obey the Bible like you should. Then, promise God that you will work hard to obey in that area from now on.
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