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Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” December and Christmas often become the busiest time of the year for most families as we have even more activities, parties, family gatherings and travel. What about the rest of the year for you and your family? Do you stay so busy that you have no time to rest, to have personal time with those you love or to spend time with God? In a survey several years ago, LifeWay Christian Resources found that the third top issue facing families today is that of busyness. In most cases, this is caused by too much of a good thing such as sports, arts church, neighborhood organizations and many more. It is so easy to “overdo it” and have very little time together for parents and children as a family. There is little time to share with each other, to get personal and to discuss the things that are important. The stress that arises of making another lesson, practice, game, meeting or social event takes its toll on families today. Life becomes like running on a treadmill that keeps going faster with a steeper incline. Family time and meal time together become almost nonexistent and meaningless. We do not know how to “Be still and know that I am God.” We can get so busy that we busy God right out of our lives.
What can the spiritual leader of his home do? He can bring the family together and make some important decisions. He can lead in the decision to limit the number of activities and sports. He can show his family how to finally relax and find time for what is really important. He may have to finally learn how to say, no.” It would not be popular, but he may have to set an example of being still and quiet himself. Many families today cannot enjoy “quiet” and seem to always have sound blaring from the television, radio or ear buds from so many electronic devices. These often drown out what God wants to say and reveal to us. I have one suggestion for you to try. Take your family out on a clear night this December and just look into the heavens and stars to see God’s confirmation of Who He is. Be still before God and you will know more fully that He is God. Then, make a permanent break for the coming year of the things that make your home hurried and too busy. The closeness, bonding and love that will come can change your home and lives for the better. Life is a series of decisions that we make every day. The decision to be still and know that He is God is a decision that is in your hands.