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This week, we turn our attention to the character trait of Responsibility which is an imperative component of spiritual leadership to be lived out in the life and leadership of a man in his daily walk. It means to be accountable and answerable for a duty, obligation, assignment or trust. We could just as effectively use the word accountable. Responsibility means to be dependable, reliable and trustworthy. It is to be accountable for our personal actions and our leadership role. It means to be able to distinguish between right and wrong and act accordingly, knowing that there are consequences to every action.
Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived; for whatever a man sows, this will he also reap.” We live in a culture today where responsibility is the forgotten side of freedom and an eroding trait of personal character, behavior, leadership and even parenting. It is often not taught in the home where it must be started at an early age. Parents must not make excuses for their children but hold them accountable and teach them responsibility for their personal behavior. This is a courageous responsibility of a father just as our heavenly Father holds us accountable.
Few people want to be held accountable or responsible in our culture today. Men make excuses, blame others, call sin something else and hide behind the veil of “political correctness.” God is not deceived and bases His judgment on His Word, not “political correctness.” Are you holding yourself and those you lead responsible for personal actions and words each day?