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This week, we continue to look at the character trait of perseverance which was exemplified to the highest in the life and leadership of Jesus. Life itself is perseverance through the good and bad times that we face. Those whom we lead are looking to see if and how we trust and follow our Savior through the tough times in life. God allows us to go through trials many times for three main reasons: 1) to get our attention, 2) to grow and mature us in our spiritual walk and 3) to allow us to minister to others who may experience similar trials. This is how God works and wants to use us. While we may never understand our trials in this life, we must trust Him and know that He doesn’t waste any of them to impact our lives and His kingdom. Trials are used by God to develop our spiritual walk and leadership skills.
Remember that leaders are not just born, but made over time, experience and tough challenges. Our trials usually come in three areas: health (sickness, injury or death), wealth (job, career and money), and family (divorce and conflict). Some of our greatest life messages and ministry opportunities will come from our deepest trials and hurts. For God to use our experiences, we must be willing to be available to Him to minister to others. II Corinthians 1:4 “He comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” We must stay in the game and know that God is at work for our good. No one wants to follow a leader who gives up.