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  • (979) 776-9977
  • 1991 FM 158
    College Station, TX 77845


  • Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday // 6 p.m.

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  • Kids/Students // 11 a.m.
  • College // 11 a.m.
  • Adults // 11 a.m.
  • Legacy Adults // 8:30 a.m.



By Dean Gage

Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness.”  Last Friday night, our church held an important and life impacting conference for men on “The Greatest Battle Men Face Today.”  This battle is like so many the enemy brings to us and has brought to man since he deceived Eve and then Adam in the garden.  The battle is rampant, readily available and victorious in our culture as never before.  You know what it is because you are faced with it daily from almost every front and media.  It is pornography and it is destroying so many lives, homes, marriages and families today.  A recent study found that married men who cheated on their wives were three times more likely to use internet pornography than married men who had not committed adultery.  The enemy has taken something God has given man that is good and turned it into evil and put darkness to replace light.  Our conference looked at both the psychological and spiritual impacts of this visually addictive behavior and threat to a man’s life and family.  Women view it as a form of betrayal and infidelity.  The enemy knows this and uses every open and secretive means to get a man hooked and then addicted.  Make no mistake, what happens in secrete and private will ultimately be exposed.

So, what do you do as the leader of your family and workplace?  It starts with your eyes and then your mind because men are visual.  We are told in II Corinthians 10:5 “Take every thought captive to obey Christ.”  Just like Eve should have passed up the forbidden tree, not looked at it and walked away, we must do the same.  The Bible tells us to avoid every form of evil.  In other words, don’t go near it. When pornography appears unsolicited, avoid stopping and looking, turn away and take every thought captive to obey Christ.  Our lead Scripture today starts with the word, “Woe,” which is an exclamation of distress or grief and these will surely come our way if we do not turn away.  If you don’t like the word, “Woe,” then think about the word, “Whoa.”  It’s like telling a horse or mule to stop or whoa.  Stop and ask yourself, “What Would Jesus Do?”  You know the answer, so obey Him.  We can win the battle first by not going to where pornography is and immediately turning away when you are blindsided by it, which you will be almost daily.  Don’t let pornography become a part of your memory index.   You know where the delete, escape and shutdown keys are on your computer, phone, iPad and television.  Whoa and use them or Woe will befall you!

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