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  • (979) 776-9977
  • 1991 FM 158
    College Station, TX 77845


  • Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday // 6 p.m.

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  • Legacy Adults // 8:30 a.m.



By Dean Gage

Proverbs 29: 11 “A fool gives full vent to anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”    How many times in your life have you either lost control or came close to losing it?  We have all been faced with situations in which this decision was ours to make.  Look at the difference in the outcomes of either decision.  I recently faced this leadership decision that impacted my personal witness and my witness in the community.  I contracted with a company to remove my old gutters and replace them after another contractor came and installed all new fascia boards and metal flashing.  The gutter company workers got mixed up on the address and removed all the gutters from my neighbor’s house to his great surprise while he was away.  I kept wondering why my gutters had not been removed when my neighbor called me to ask if I had observed any construction vehicles going to his home.  I could easily answer his inquiry.  It was my gutters to be removed, not his.  So, my neighbor is to get new gutters also – at no cost. 

My gutters were finally replaced after a $3,500 expenditure to install all new fascia boards and flashing.  From the ground level, the new gutters looked great but I notice some shingles pushed upward with potential leakage.  The gutter workers had absolutely torn up and bent all the metal flashing with sloppy work to get the gutters installed.  I was not a happy camper and called the contractor who was not sympathetic to what happened and made excuses.  I then called my roofer who came to inspect the gutter work and became upset when he saw the bad work.  I became even more upset myself and wanted to really fire back and almost go out of control.  I was thinking about contacting the Better Business Bureau. The gutter contractor texted me about it again and I wrote an angry reply.  But, the Holy Spirit prompted me to have my wife read it before I sent it.  Her wisdom restrained me.  I cooled down and wrote a reply that would ultimately result in a call from the contractor.  We both discussed in a jovial way all that happened and he has now pledged to correct the problems to my satisfaction.  I have thanked the Lord and my wife for reminding me of this verse and that I didn’t make a fool of myself.  It has also reminded me that a Christian man must keep himself under control and protect his witness for the Lord.  He can still be firm and resolved to achieve what is right.  Anger is usually met with anger.  Controlled temperament and wise responses are usually met with cooperation and success.  Yes, you will face similar circumstance in life.  What will you do?

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