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Isaiah 30:21 And your ears shall hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." We all face many decisions. Many of them are very important and even eternal to our walk with Jesus and our calling to impact His Kingdom. On many occasions in my life and leadership, I have claimed and prayed our Scripture this week. There is no substitute for listening to God's voice through His Word and His Spirit in making our decisions. Our obedience to listen to the Holy Spirit and follow it's leading determines many things in our lives. It is a calm, confident and sound judgment voice giving us the decision and direction to follow.
At this time, the Pastor Search Committee is claiming, praying and following our Scripture to make certain that we are on the same page and obedient to God's voice. This verse applies to us individually and corporately as we live life and fulfill our responsibilities. When we walk in obedience to God, our decisions will be His decisions. There can be no greater outcome than to hear God's voice and walk in it. The world hollers many other voices at us and we must carefully and prayerfully discern them and not be led astray. When God speaks to us, we must listen and obey. In the end, leaders recognize and know with confidence the voice of God behind them saying, "This is the way, walk in it."