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James 1: 27 “….and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 4: 4 “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?” A ship does not sink because it is in the water. It sinks when too much water gets into it. The Christian leader does not fail to live as he should because he is in the world. He fails and sinks by allowing the world into their lives. We live today in an ocean of corruption, dangerous currents and destructive icebergs. We must be alert or we will take on the world without even realizing that we have begun to sink. It happens little by little, just like the Titanic began taking on water and slowly sank into the ocean of water surrounding it. Many lives were lost in that disaster when the ship sank that was said to be a “ship that even God could not even sink.” Why? It took on water through a huge gash caused by the iceberg in its surroundings.
A spiritual leader is to keep the world out of his life and not get stained and form friendships with the worldly evils surrounding him. He must not become preoccupied with the things of the world, rather than the things of Christ and the Word of God. The Titanic had pumps running constantly to pump out water that leaked into the hull. But, the incoming water became so overwhelming that the pumps could not keep up. That is what can happen to us if we allow too much water of the world to come into our lives. We need to plug any holes or tears with God’s Word and His Spirit. “Do not allow the world to sink your ship.” Those whom you lead and are passengers in your ship are counting on you to guide them through the rough waters and hidden dangers.