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I Corinthians 15: 58 “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” The Super Bowl was played again this past Sunday and my guess is that you watched this very exciting game. Every football game has both participants and spectators. It reminds me of the game of life where you and I are either participants or spectators. It is the dream of every professional football player to participate in the Super Bowl and experience all it has to offer. Coaches, trainers and referees are also participants who get into the game with their specific game assignments and contributions. The players and coaches must use their specific gifts to play the game. Some players do not add much to the game because they do not devote themselves to use the gifts they have. Participants in the game itself are few in number compared to millions of spectators who watch the game but never play in the game. Spectators only watch the game from a distance as the players enjoy participating in the game and experience the rewards of playing in it.
I Timothy 4: 14 “Do not neglect the gift you have.” The Christian life is similar to a football game as there are participants and spectators. The Christian life is a participant game and not a spectator game. Spectators will go away and wonder what it would have been like to actually have been on the field and play in the game. Spectators will never have the opportunity to enjoy and celebrate in the victory unless they become a participant. They will never be able to get their hands on the winning trophy. There will be some participants on the sidelines of the game who never really get into the game because they neglect to use the gifts God has given them. Just as a football team must have players with different gifts to be successful, God’s Kingdom and church need players with many different gifts to make a spiritual impact. Christians have a decision to make. They either participate fully as God has called and gifted them to do or they may act much like a spectator and just observe the game. The Christian life is not a spectator sport, but one of active participation. Are you allowing God to use you on the His playing field in the game of life? We are not to just watch the game but we are to play in the game for the Supreme Coach who knows all the best plays for us to execute. He has also given us the Playbook with all the winning plays. Our Super Bowl in life will have a trophy which can never be taken away or tarnished with time eternal. Question: Are you a player or spectator? It’s not too late to make a comeback like the Patriots did and your Coach is ready to give you the plays to execute.