Join us Sundays: Worship // 9:45 AM | Life Groups // 11 AM Wednesdays: Worship // 6 PM


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  • (979) 776-9977
  • 1991 FM 158
    College Station, TX 77845


  • Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday // 6 p.m.

Life Groups

  • Kids/Students // 11 a.m.
  • College // 11 a.m.
  • Adults // 11 a.m.
  • Legacy Adults // 8:30 a.m.



By Dean Gage

Proverbs 25:28 “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.”  Today, there is much debate, publicity and political posturing about our nation building a wall along the entire border with Mexico.  How to pay for the wall is a huge and costly question?  The main purpose is to keep illegal and undesirable immigrants and enemies from entering our country and all the harm and danger they could bring with them.  We know about the Great Wall of China erected in the third century as a defense against raids from the enemy.  The wall stretches some 13 thousand miles and periodically has required maintenance and repair.  In biblical times, walls were erected around cities for protection and identity.  Nehemiah is known to have been used of God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem for protection of the heart of God’s chosen city.  God had to tumble down the walls of Jericho before the Children of Israel could enter.  There are many kingdoms in history that have been lost for want of a strong wall of protection.  You already know where this is going and don’t neglect your leadership responsibility.

A leader must build walls of protection around his own life, family and work.  A pastor must build walls of protection around the church under his leadership.  It takes alertness, obedience and self-control to build and maintain these walls of protection.  Failure to maintain self-control is like opening a gate or allowing a break in the wall to open an avenue for the enemy to penetrate the very center of our lives.  Leaders put spiritual walls and barriers around every area in which they lead.  Let the walls of your home become walls of protection and do not open the front or back doors to the enemy.  Keep the windows locked and in good repair and make your home a safe place in which to live and love.  We should periodically make an inspection and repair any area that has fallen into disrepair.  Once a wall is penetrated and broken into, it is much more difficult to drive the enemy out than to have never let the enemy enter in the first place.  Your walls are funded by the resources of God, so take advantage of the offer on the table.

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