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Leaders Ask WWJD

By Dean Gage

Jeremiah 33: 3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”   Leaders are faced with questions that require answers daily as they lead in every area whether personal, family, work or church.  Many times the answers are clear to us based on the circumstances, people involved and our spiritual values from the Bible and Holy Spirit.  Other times, we seek wise counsel from people with more experience and knowledge than we have.  And, many times we should stop and ask the Lord.  A few years ago, it was popular to wear a plastic bracelet with the initials WWJD written on it.  This stood for “What Would Jesus Do?”  While our Scripture is from the Old Testament and commands us to call unto God with the promise that He will answer and show us the answer, it is the same as WWJD.  When we are faced with decisions, we need to ask the question, “What would Jesus do?”

Some of our decisions require us to determine if they are right or wrong.  Even when the decision may not be wrong, does it honor the Lord?  We often make decisions too complicated and indecisive.  We should carefully examine all the issues, implications and facts and then make the decision based on what we believe Jesus would do if he were the one making the decision.  It would be great if we could take our cell phone and dial 1-800 GOD to ask for the answer.  Our answers come through prayer and listening to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. The issue then becomes a matter of obedience to what we know Jesus would have us to do. Jesus will do his part and expects us to do our part.  That’s the way the Christian life works and life is a series of decisions made every day.  It’s like a college student praying to do well on a final exam and trusting God to help.  The Lord will help, but the student has to do his part in dedicated study and preparation and simply ask God to give him a clear mind, recall and guidance to study the right things.  Leadership is a balance of trusting God to do his part and our obedience to do our part as He answers.  What would Jesus do?  Ask Him.

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