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Joshua 24:15 “……but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Attitude is as important to leadership or success as any trait, skill or ability. Attitude is our demeanor, disposition and persona. It is our manner of showing our feelings, thoughts and actions toward people, circumstance and situations. How we act or treat someone is determined by our attitude toward them. A good attitude is so important in spiritual leadership because it always determines our behavior and actions, even toward God Himself. It can even have a great impact without words being said and just by the lives we live. In our verse today, Joshua made clear to those around him that his attitude was to serve the Lord. He made his statement plural because he was going to lead both his life and his house (family) to serve the Lord. It was like having this attitude printed and posted on the refrigerator or above the fireplace. It served as a reminder of his attitude to obediently serve the Lord with daily actions, living and leadership. Caleb and Joshua were the only two spies for Israel who had the attitude to trust God to take the Promised Land. Joshua went further to now include his family and to lead them to the Promised Land. What about you?
In our world today, this attitude must be a part of every Christian man’s spiritual leadership. He must implant it in the lives of his children and demonstrate it before them in his own life. What does it really mean? Paul answers it fully in Philippians 2:5 “Have this same attitude in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Team spirit starts at the top in families, businesses, politics and sports. A spiritual leader is at the top and his spirit will determine what the spirit of the team members will be. If they see you serving the Lord first with the attitude of Jesus determining your actions, they will want to follow suit. Never underestimate the power of your attitude in leadership as it usually determines success or failure, more than aptitude or personal traits. There should be no question with your wife and children that “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Together, we will serve the Lord and I am leading the way.