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- Sunday // 9:45 a.m.
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As we continue to look at the importance of impact in the leadership of a Christian man, I want to make it very personal. You are called by God in Scripture to be the leader of your family to make an impact. Men do not often realize that one person can make all the difference. You have heard it said that it just takes one and that statement is for you to be that one.
Sports teams are always looking for that one leader to follow and to lead them to victory. The 1983 NFL draft was historic. Six quarterbacks were taken in the first round. Three of them never made much of an impact on the teams they led. Their names are almost all but forgotten. However, the other three quarterbacks had a huge impact on their teams and led them to more Super Bowls than any other three quarterbacks in NFL history. All three passed for more than 50,000 years and threw more touchdown passes than any of the three other quarterbacks. All three are now in the NFL Hall of Fame because of their impact and leadership on the teams they led. Their names are John Elway, Jim Kelly and Dan Marino. Their teams were not winners before they arrived and have not been since they left, with the exception of Payton Manning and the Denver Broncos, only in the last two years. The Miami Dolphins and the Buffalo Bills are still looking for the one leader who will make an impact and lead them to victory. By the way, the three forgotten quarterbacks taken that same year were Todd Blackledge, Tony Eason and Ken O’Brien.
As a Christian man you were drafted the day you got married and the day your children were born. Those are the members of your team to lead. You are that one who is to lead them to victory and to impact them to become leaders themselves. Will your impact and leadership put you in the Hall of Fame? Colossians 2:6 “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus, lead your life in Him.” You have a coach and a playbook that will guide your every step and tell you which plays to run in the game of life, both offensively and defensively. Like the Nike commercial says, “Just do it.”